24 DNA - "The People's Company"

Discover Your DNA Within 3 Minutes For $19.95!


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The "24 DNA-2 Blood Types Kit" - Results Within 3 Minutes

The world's first "Blood Type Kit" to discover your DNA within 3 minutes from your new discovered "2 Blood Types," NOT 1 Blood Type as current taught and practiced. 

24 DNA-What Our Technology Will Do For You.

NOTE: We believe in educating you about our product instead of trying to wow or deceive you with fancy graphics and so forth. Please take your time to investigate, examine, TEST out our claims, before you make a  wise decision. 


If you know your 1 Blood Type of either a Blood Type A, Blood Type B, Blood Type O or Blood Type AB, you can still TEST out our clamins below with that information. The problem with your current results is there a 4 Blood Type A, 4 Blood Type B, 4 Blood Type O and 4 Blood Type AB. So, which one do you have?

By using your current 1 Blood Type result to test out our claims below, you will get a feel and understanding about magnitude of the the 2 Blood Type and DNA technology as this will give you, your ACCURATE results! The problem with the current Blood Type science and technology is - OUTDATED, OBSOLETE and INACCURATE. The scary part is your life depends on these results.

Our discovery of "2 Blood Types" and "24 Master DNA" Sequences and results are pre-established at the subatomic level. You can about this discovery which unified General Relativity and Quanytum Mechanics at http://24dna.com 

1. Our first CLAIM: You can discover jobs, careers, skills and talents based on your "2 Blood Types and master DNA sequnce." With your current "1 Blood Type," download this Brochure called "Emplogenomics." Then look for YOUR 1 Blood  result AFTER a 4 letters sequence that is your Master DNA Sequnce of that Blood Type result.. Once you find your 1 Blood Type (disregard the second Blood Type result as we don't have the 2 Blood Type technology to accomplish this) results, ALL jobs listed under that catergory are jobs, careers, and skills you are predispose based on your DNA or genetics. Follow instructions as this will take you to the US Department of Labor website which will assist you in ALL the research to discover your DNA careers, skills and talents and jobs. The listing on the Brochure are just basic information to help you start somewhere.  But YOUR advance careers, skills and talents and jobs, you will discover this through on the US Department of Labor webiste. ENJOY YOUR JOURNEY!

2. Our second CLAIM: You can discover your disease predisposition based on your "2 Blood Types and DNA.." When you are pre-disposed to a disease or diseases, ALL it means is that you may already have it in your DNA or if are exposed to environments of microbes that causes these disease live, then you may get it. The KEY for you is to discover these predispositions and then live a life that will prevent you from ever developing it. DON'T wait until you get it and then do something about it which is what 99% of people are doing. By discovering your disease pre-dispositions, you can eat the right food (DNA Diet) and change your environment to live a healthy and happy life.

Using your results under CLAIM 1 above where the 4 letters before your 1 Blood Type result is your "Master DNA Sequnce." MEMORIZE this sequence as this is your DNA Sequence. Download this Brochure called "Medigenomics" and locate 2 Tables titled; Female Master Blueprint and Male Master Blueprint. Based on your gender, locate the appropriate Table and look for your Master DNA Sequence under the Column DNA. There are 4 numbers to its LEFT and these are the Chromosomes where you will find your disease pre-dispositions. Find these Chromosomes on the Brochure and read up on it. PLEASE note that your results here are NOT completely accurate as you DON"T have your "2 Blood Types and DNA" results. This exercise is to demonstrate to you the magnitude of our technology if you have your "'2 Blood Types and DNA" results. ENJOY YOUR JOURNEY!

3. Our Third CLAIM: You can pursue your education (or your kids or loved ones) based on your (their) "2 Blood Types and DNA." You have already discover part of this in CLAIM 1. Again, knowing your "Master DNA Sequence" from CLAIM 1, download this Brochure called "Edugenomics" to discover your genetics or DNA intelligence type(s). Locate the 2 Tables on the Brochure and find your "Master DNA Sequence" under the DNA Column. Discover "how" your BRAIN works. You have ALL 10 Intelligence in you but some are dominant and other recessive. FOCUS on and fully develop your dominant Intelligence. ENJOY YOUR NEW JOURNEY!

4. Our Fourth CLAIM: You can discover your DNA or genetic personality and undertsand WHY you do things the way you are doing it NOW! Also, you can discovery your DNA or genetic mate or spouse based on your DNA and theirs. NEVER marry your opposite DNA sequence as this attraction is ONLY physical! Download this Brochure called "Personagenomics" and locate your appropriate Table with DNA Sequence and Blood Type results. Write down or note where your 1 Blood Type result is located on the 4 Columns to the LEFT of your Master DNA Sequence. This is the location of your MAIN or DOMINANT personality out of the 4 listed on any of the Tables. Also, THOSE 4 results (to the LEFT of your DNA) are your compitable MATE with the exception of the fourth results as this person is your opposite. WHY DATE or MARRY someone that you are NOT genetically compatible with? If you do, you have a miserable life.

5. Our fifth CLAIM: We all tell untruths or lies differently based on our DNA or genes! Imagine the Law Enforcement communties having this technology? They don't have to beat or snowboard anyone to see if they are lying...Sorry. We won't disclose this here but are you getting what our "2 Blood Types and DNA" teachnology can do. The scientific communities maybe 20- 50 years behind time as it relates our discovery.

WHY WAIT FOR THEM. Let's take the technology to them!

6. These are just a FEW markets that our "2 Blood Types and DNA" will enhanced peoples lives but the list goes on and on. JOIN THE MOST PROGRESSIVE COMPANY IN THE WORLD!

[Watch this Video interview of our co-founder Bob Ainuu Afamasaga with Rick James; "Mad Scientist Discover Link Between DNA and Your Destiny"

24 DNA-What the Funds Will Be Used For.

We are looking for 7,000 Team Members world wide who will donate $100.00 each and be part of a new business model - "The People's Company." The $700,000 we are asking for will be use to pay the production and manufacturing of the initial inventory of 100,000 Kits. Each Kit sold at $99.95.00 contains the following components of; 

1. 5 Antibodies
2. 1 Test Tray-2412
3. 10 Blood Sticks
4. 2 Automatic Lancets
5. 2 Cotton Balls
6. 2 Cleaning Wipes
7. 1 Instruction Manual

The above components production and manufacturing are outsourced to various companies with the exception of the packaging that will be done locally and in house.

24 DNA - Who We Are? Our Credential

24 DNA is the brain child of our principal co-founder Bob Ainuu Afamasaga. Bob left Samoa in the late 70's on a medical scholarship. Joined the US Air Force after graduating from the University of Wisconsin and worked for the Federal government most of his career. His life time passion was always in the science. He left his secured federal job in 2007 to pursue his passion which some are highlight in his Biography on Amazon as he is an author of numerous books.

You have already become familiar with some of what we have accomplished if you did your diligence investigation of our CLAIMS above.  Aside from what is already listed above in our CLAIMS, here are just a few other things we have done.

1. Unification of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. This was a feat that Albert Einstein, past and present scientists were trying to accomplish by without success. We fulfilled Einstein's dream! Learn about this discovery in our PRESS RELEASE.

2. Our BRAIN have 2 sub-components. We were first to map the whole Brain into two separate distinct Brains; the MIND Brain (Lobes) and BODY Brain (CNS), identified the location of where the 6 form of consciousness occurs that solved Brain mysteries. Also, note that men and women's brains are diffrent. Download the Brochure titled "The New Sciencce Of The Brain" for a summary of the above accomplishment. The missing information why Neuroscience and Physology will never move beyond where they are at.

3. 2 NEW Periodic Tables. We have reinvented the current Periodic Tables into 2 New Periodic Tables with 10 Periods, 5 Blocks, 50 Periods, 218 (220) Elemenst where each Element has 2 Atomic Numbers with the same Atomic Mass. This discovery solved current Chemistry mysteries. Download a copy of the 2 Perioidc Tables and see for yourself. These 2 Periodic Tables are discussed in details in our unification of GR and QM discovery.

4. DNA Double Helix Structure Due to Its Gender Properties. We were first to identify the gender properties of the DNA double helix structure as one Strand is Paternal, the 5’-3’ and Maternal Strand is 3’-5’. These gender properties of energy-matters were pre-established at the subatomic level by the 4th Quantum Number [Spin +- 1/2]. Agin, this discovery is discussed in details in our unification of GR and QM discovery.

5. Super Standard Model of 24 Elementary Particles and Cosmology. We have reinvented the current Standard Model Of Elementary Particles to include the discovered HIGGS particles, Gravity and WANG particles to name a few." Again, the above discovery is discussed in details in our unification of GR and QM discovery.

6. Universal Formula. We discovered the Universe Master Blueprint – YHWH-HWHY and Molecule of Life – YHWH (NOT the DNA) which is replicated and seen throughout the Universe. The above discovery of the Universal Formula is discussed in details in our GR and QM unification discovery.

These are just a few of our accomplishments which is one of the reasons why there have been many attempts on Bob Ainuu Afamasaga's life by the criminal elements of the scientific communities.

24 DNA-The Science Behind The Invention and Technology...

“Our unification of scientific discoveries by the University of Vermont biologist Bryan Ballif, Dr. Yamamoto and his colleagues discovery of the genetic molecular basis of ABO  demonstrates that we have  2 Blood Types and Blood Types are expressions of our DNA,“ 24 DNA Co-founder Bob Ainuu Afamasaga.

“Dr. Yamamoto and his colleagues with their study of the genetic molecular basis of ABO blood discovered that Blood Type A is DNA C, Blood Type B is DNA G and Blood Type O is DNA A. The discovery of RHCE and RHD genes, Fetal DNA and Chimeras Blood Types showed that DNA T/U is Blood Type AB and Antigen D, depening if it is an Antigen or Antibody. 

There a 24 TWO Blood Types, NOT 4 as currently taught and practiced. The laws of Quantum Mechanics and Super Symmetry that governs ALL particles in the Universe, governs Blood Types also.

1. Blood Type A [Basic]

2. Blood Type B [Basic]

3. Blood Type O [Basic]

4. Blood Type AA [Super]

5. Blood Type BB [Super]

6. Blood Type OO [Super]

7.Blood Type AB/BA [Asymmetry and Gender Blood Types- AB Female and BA Male]

The conclusion from the above discoveries is that your Blood Types are the molecular or physical expression of your DNA. Therefore, no two blood types or DNA are same or compatible as each Blood Type or DNA is unique to each person. What differentiate people with the same DNA or 2 Blood Types are their Environment, Diet, Lifestyle and Epigenetics genes,” says Bob Ainuu Afamasaga.

Mr. Afamasaga said, “Because your Blood Types are expression of your DNA and DNA travels in pairs, so are your 2 Blood Types. [These properties of pairing were pre-established at the Quantum Level - with Quantum Entanglement. Knowing your two Blood Types is essential as the Quantum State of 1 affects or influence the other]. You inherit one blood type from your mother and the other from your father or both maternal and paternal blood types from either Mom or Dad.  Your master DNA sequence dictates the type of Blood Type you have. Therefore, when we identify your 2 Blood Types with our invention, your master DNA sequence can also be identified. This master DNA sequence shows your disease predispositions, skills and talents, personalities and much more information from it.”  

The current Blood Transfusions, Medical and Blood Science are based on an outdated science discovered by Dr. Landsteiner and his colleagues in 1900s.  Your OWN 2 Blood Types and DNA are unique to you! The soon to be release book below provides details behind the science and technology of the “24 DNA-2 Blood Types Kit.”

"24 DNA - 2 Blood Types Kit" - Results Within 3 Minutes!

The DNA-ABOD System:

The DNA-ABOD System is the unification of four systems; Blood Science (ABO), Genetic (ACGT), Secretor/Non-Secretor status, and Rh System (D). The DNA-ABOD System classifies blood into five main blood types of A, B, O, AB and D where each equates a DNA Sequence. As DNA travels in pairs, so are your Blood Types and why you have two.  Your inherit 1 Blood Type from your mother (maternal) and 1 Blood Type from your Dad (paternal) where 1 is primary (dominant) and other secondary (recessive) or both (maternal and paternal) Blood Types from Mom or Dad. The double helix structure of DNA is due to these gender properties where 1 strand is Paternal (5’-3’) and other Maternal (3’-5’).Therefore Blood Types are the molecular genetics physical expression and manifestation of your DNA, the molecule of hereditary. By identifying your 2 Blood Types, you will also discover your master DNA sequence, Rh Factors, Secretor and Non-Secretor status and much more.

A person with Blood Type A (DNA C) has upon the surface of his or her Red Cells or erythrocytes a protein named Antigen A, a person with Blood Type B (DNA G) has a protein named Antigen B, a person with Blood Type O (DNA A) has neither Antigen A and Antigen B. A person with Antigen D (DNA T) as an Antibody is called Rh Positive or D-positive and person without Antigen D is called Rh Negative or D-negative. A turned-off of DNA T (or T is recessive) in your master DNA means your Blood Type will always be negative. But an addition or turning back on of DNA T by introducing D-positive Antigens into the body will make a Rh Negative to a Rh Positive. Antigen D (Rh-+) behaving as an ANTIGEN (RNA U) or ANTBODIY (DNA T) depends on the location of T on your master DNA as dominant (RNA U) or recessive (DNA T). A person with Blood Type AB, Blood Type BA, Blood Type AA, Blood Type BB, and Blood Type OO  (RNA U) has Antigen D attached itself to the surface of Red Cells or erythrocytes and is dominant. Everyone has a combinations of the above Blood Types to form their "2 Blood Types." ALL Blood Types have corresponding Antibodies; A=IgE, B=IgA, O=IgM and AB=IgG. 

Notice in the Table below that men and women have different Blood Types. Blood Type A is dominant in female and Blood Type B is dominant is male. These Blood Types are unique to humans as other species have blood types also. Their Blood Types are dictated by their Genetic Blueprints which are different from Humans.

"24 DNA - 2 Blood Types Kit" - Results Within 3 Minutes!

What it does?

The "24 DNA-2 Blood Types Kit" is a self-test kit to determine your "2 Blood Types," "Rh Factors," "Genetic Gender of either Male or Female," "Secretor, Non-Secretor," and "master DNA sequence" in the privacy of your home or by the bedside by Doctors or Medical Professionals to determine their clients inital prognosis or by Law Enforcement Officers on the crime scene. .

The results will tell your life story  and its disease pre-dispositions, skills and talents, intelligences, personalities, DNA mate and much more inside the “DNA-ABOD System” on the “24 DNA-2 Blood Types Test Trays 2412"

"24 DNA - 2 Blood Types Kit" - Results Within 3 Minutes!

How Does the “24 DNA-2 Blood Types Test Tray-2412” Work? -

In the 5 Circular fields of the Test Tool, you will find Anti-B (IgE), Anti-A(IgA), Anti-AB(IgM) and Anti-D(IgG) or Rh compartments (5 compartment for gender determination NOT disclosed here) where Antibodies serum and blood are mixed. These antibodies will glue red blood cells with corresponding antigens together in clumps or clusters called Agglutinates. An agglutinates is clearly visible with the naked eye. The Group A Blood Type containing Antigen A will agglutinate in the Anti-B field or IgE, Group Blood Type B will agglutinate in the Anti-A field or IgA, Group Blood Type O will agglutinate in Anti-AB field or IgM and Group Blood Type AA, Blood Type BB, Blood Type OO and Blood Type AB/BA will agglutinate in the Rh or Antigen D or IgG field.  The antibodies used on the 24 DNA-2 Blood Types Tool are called Monoclonal Antibodies.

Contents of The Kit: 1 24 DNA-2 Blood Types Test Tray-2412,  5 Antibodies Types, 2 Automatic lancet, 2 Swab, 2 Absorbent Cotton Ball, 10 Blood Sticks, and 1 Instruction. 

24 DNA-How To Use The "24 DNA-2 Blood Types Kit"

24 DNA-How To Use The "24 DNA-2 Blood Types Kit"

24 DNA-How To Use The "24 DNA-2 Blood Types Kit"

24 DNA-How To Read Your Test Results.

The presence or absence of agglutinates will show the Blood Type. Agglutinates may look different from field to field as noted in the 2 Tables of the “Standard Model of 24 Human DNA-2 Blood Types;” 

First, LOOK FOR THE RESULT THAT MATCHED YOUR GENDER TEST RESULTS ON ALL FOUR TABLES as this will dictate which Table to use. After identifying your GENDER Table, and upon discovering your 2 Blood Types or what matched your results, look above it, you will note “2 Blood Types,” and there is a DNA sequence to its left;  Secretor, Non-Secretor or both statuses to its right. Record this information on the back of your Brochure. 

This information is very important to your life as it shows your disease predispositions, intelligences, job and career skills or talents, genetic personalities, DNA Diet and many more vital data. The difference between your “DNA-2 Blood Types” and someone else with the same result is your environment, lifestyle, Diet and epigenetics genes.  Therefore, no two person with identical results are the same or identical. Your results are unique to you! Your 2 Blood Types and DNA are unique to you and NOT compatibe to anyone!

Keep this Kit out of reach of Children. After results is known put all contents back in the original box and dispose with your daily household waste products.  24 DNA-2 Blood Types are delivered in moist proof bags or envelopes. 24 DNA-2 Blood Types exposed to the air for more than 30 minutes should be used within the same day.

WARNING: Never use the results of this test as the sole basis for any medical treatment. Consult your practitioner before making any decision.

After discovering your "DNA-2 Blood Types" from the Tables and recording it on the back of your Brochure, then discover your disease predispositions, personalities and DNA mate, genetic Diet as there is no ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL Diet, natural intelligences, your natural skills and talents and so forth.

Yes, you still donate your Blood for fractioning and NOT for transfusions!


The above 2 Tables [2 of 4 Tables] contains 24 universal "2 Blood Types" results of the human race. Every company that is developing a "2 Blood Types" Kit will come to the conclusion that they will need the above two Tables [actually 4 Tables] to make their Kit work. Without the above 2 Tables, their Kit is useless. We are looking forward to the day when they come to this conclusion...

24 DNA-Why Join "The People's Company!"

Knowing what you know now about the iPod technology and if Apple Inc. asked you to be part of their company? Would you switch from your CD, or 8 Track or Record Player technology to iPod?

That technology put Tower Records out of business and changed that whole industry. A similar switch or change in technology is about to happen with the "1 Blood Type," Blood Transfusion, Blood Science and Medicince as you know it now. Our invention and discovery of the "24 DNA-2 Blood Types" is about to migrate the above mentioned industries to this new science - unification of DNA and BLOOD SCIENCE. That is the first revolution you don't want to miss out.

The second revolution. Twenty years ago when I conceived this company, I always desired to own a cutting edge company that is going to dominate multiple markets and make a lot of money for the owners. And these owners can be anyone who can afford $100.00 to be part of a new moverment - leveling the playing field of investing.

Now, with the Job Act, anyone with a minimum resource can invest in a company like ours, who believes in sharing the wealth and NOT the wealth for only the few. 24 DNA, "The People's Company" is such a comapny. This is not just a slogan but a reality. Join us NOW by just donating only $100 to be part of our Team.  

We have many other cutting edge inventions of the same caliber like the "24 DNA-2 Blood Types" that we will share with all our backers or Team Members in the future. You have joined the Right Comapny at the Right Time and Right Opportunity. Every success in life is about timing. Why join us...

  • We owned the Patent to the above technology that is going to change medicine, education, employement...and every aspect of your life and your society.
  • We are at the forefront of these cutting edge discoveries as you have personally discovered it in the CLAIMS above.
  • 6 billion people on this planets NEEDs it. It's a life and death matter.
  • It's affordable, and ONLY $25
  • It's convenient, you can do at the privacy of your home.
  • Results with 3 minutes and NO MAILED in samples.
  • It's a REAL, tangible product! 




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