Gaines Kelly Urban Luxury


Private Fundraise

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Quick Pitch

Hello Everyone! We are a DC-based design firm who is making the transition over to full-time real estate developing. We have partnered with other developers in the past (check out some of our pictures), and the drawbacks of that arrangement are a lack of full control and lesser profits.

As the sole owner of the project, we can implement our designs as intented, control construction time, meet our sales goals, and benefit from 100% profits. This will be shared with our equity partners as we grow.  Washington DC is a hot market that has withstood numerous faltering economies, and there is a surge of development here as more and more people re-locate to the city.

The urban lifestyle is highly desirable. The ability to eliminate long commutes to work, and the walkability of most neighborhoods to cafe's, shops, etc. make it a logical choice. So please, come and join us as we help make the city a more fun place to be.  

As an example project, see the photo below & above, under the header. Our project #1539: This unit is a 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2-floor condo that sold in Feb. of 2013 for $659,000.

Key Features

As architects, we are design-first oriented. Our work is mostly residential renovations & new builds in this urban environment so we know what is desired by potential buyers. Some developers miss the boat as they are looking at numbers and producing lesser product for sale. We have seen many missed opportunities due to this fact. Here at Gaines Kelly Urban Luxury, we provide the exact designs, the quality build, and sales knowledge to maximize our profitability.

About the Business and Team

After attending architecture school in the mid 1990's, the founder went on to work in different capacities within the building industry. He served 2.5 years as an assistant project manager then was promoted to full project manager of a construction company focused on commercial build-outs. Project budgets were as high as $3-million dollars. Next was a stint at Bonstra Architects, PLLC. (Now Bonstra Haresign Architects) as a project architect. Projects included single family houses and multi-unit condominiums that were built around Washington D.C. One of the major projects noted was Solo Piazza, located at 1300 13th Street N.W. A $34m project, It consisted of 9 stories and 2 below grade parking levels. It contained 77-units of 'for sale' condo's that set records for the area. As well as working with various engineers and holding a real estate license in DC, makes for a well-rounded view point of what's needed to execute a project from start to finish.  

(photo below: Next Health, located in Ashburn, VA. is a 5500 sq. foot medical office. Construction costs were in the in the low $400k range)  

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