
Creates, markets and sells technologies for enhanced situational aware...


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Quick Pitch

An emergency responder does not have a moment to waste. Nor does the property owner, security and safety personel, or maintainance staff where an incident is taking place. A cooperative effort to mitigate potential threats to life and property starts with the advent of a comphrehensive suite of software technologies that is a seamless transformational tool.

GEOcommand's suite of software technologies designed to assist America's First Responders and Administrators of Public and Private Schools (K-12), pre-schools, colleges and universities, government buildings, hospitals, industrial complexes, commercial buidings, seaports, airports, sport venues, casinos, etc. to communicate action plans to assist in mitigating accidents through preparation and preparedness tools. They are easy to use, designed to integrate various existing disparate data sources, and seemlessly interactive, allowing for a local or regional common operating picture for visual simplicity, helping to save life and property!

The Security of Situational Awareness

The importance of the situational awareness enhancements that GEOcommand provides cannot be underestimated. U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 1,389,500 fires in 2011. These fires resulted in 3,005 civilian fire fatalities and 17,500 civilian fire injuries. There was a civilian fire death every 208 minutes and a civilian fire injury every 30 minutes in 2011. Home fires caused 84%, of the civilian fire deaths. Fires accounted for 5% of 30,098,000 total calls.1 Cumulatively, these statistics suggest greater situational awareness could dramatically reduce responder risk.

Enhanced situational awareness also increases public safety and reduces property damage, which is estimated to be $11,659,000,000 in direct property loss for 2011.2

Statistics from

Product/Service Details

GEOcommand Complete, the Interactive Emergency Response Plan (IERP) and GEOcommand Link present a unique and cutting-edge approach within a new and growing homeland security concern. With events like Sandy Hook, the Aurora movie theater shooting, the Boston Marathon bombing and the Moore, OK tornado, the importance of a public/private partnership is highlighted.

The GEOcommand suite is practical, economical, and allows for multiple levels of deployment.

GEOcommand "Complete": designed for desktop and mobile use, Complete is a multi-community solution for information sharing among emergency responders. It is a comprehensive package with everything needed to create, edit, organize, maintain, and share situational awareness data securely - allowing first responders immediate access to addresses, structural information, water supplies, utilities, and special populations (or other specific data that addresses a local community's emergency response needs). This information is displayed spatially on map layers by means of GIS technology.

The Interactive Emergency Response Plan (IERP): service and product rolled into one: a full building walkthrough with photographic documentation; creation and collection of emergency action plans, material data sheets, and floor plans; and any other situational awareness data needed, all pulled together into one easy to use dynamic visual display, providing an integrated emergency and building management system. The IERP can be accessed locally via desktop, on mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones, or hosted online.

The core of the IERP is its graphical interface that incorporates policies, procedures, and regulations into an accurate digital floor plan, creating a one-stop, simple point-and-click solution that addresses the need for emergency personel to have span and control on any emergency situation.

GEOcommand Link: for communities already storing emergency data, we offer LINK to manage and broker that information between outside systems and agencies of their choosing: mutual aid partners, security personel, law enforcement, and more. Our unique Dynamic Server technology allows for seamless data interoperability between disparate systems without requiring a complete IT overhaul, saving the customer money.

How We're Different

The suite of GEOcommand technologies has been designed, tested and proven to have a number of unique advantages over any competition. We listened to the market when in the design and initial deployment of our products. The GEOcommand team is comprised of both professionals from the fire; police, school administrators and all technologies have been designed by individuals that represent our marketplace.

We have always considered the worst case scenario so we made sure that the technologies are both resident and cloud server based. Understanding that when a major incident occurs and communications goes down our technologies are still able to be accessed and used for mitigation, response and recovery.

The GEOcommand technologies also allow for both horizontal and vertical data sharing. Therefore the design of our technologies allows for a steady flow of seamless data sharing from a single jurisdiction to a regional or national scenario.

Traction & Accomplishments

About the Team

Albert Koenigsberg - President

A passionate investor and entrepreneur he embarked on his first wireless communications venture in 1984 as an investor in the original cellular lotteries. 

Being part of a consortium of investors who won cellular licenses in various metropolitan service areas he continued maintaining an ongoing relationship with many of the investors he introduced to cellular. The investors have also participated in a two-way radio company which was successfully sold to another private company in 2003.

John Doherty - VP Engineering

Has worked in the software and hardware engineering field for more then 35 years. 

With a background ranging from major research laboratories to start-up companies, he has extensive experience in systems Analysis and Reliability. A member of the IEEE Communications Society, reliable Society, and the Technology management Council. Hold a BS in Mathematics from Boston University.

Glenn Corso - Sales Engineer

Retired as President in Precise Optics, an X-ray diagnostics equipment manufacturer in 2013 following his 35 years with the company of which he was the president since 1995. 

Owns and operates Consol Air, Inc. serves on the board and is part owner of Commonwealth Aviation (MillionAir), and is part owner and operator of RJG Group, Inc. Holds a bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering from Boston University.

Mark Jones - Principal Engineer

Brings 12 years of experience in software engineering after he earned his bachelor’s in Computer Science from Point Loma Nazarene University. 

Following graduation Mr. jones joined the Boeing Company as a Software Systems Engineer with an emphasis on requirements gathering and systems integration.

Mike Ponschke - Principal Engineer

Brings over 30 years of experience as both a software developer and software project manager. 

He has authored code for and managed projects such as being the original inventor of wireless e-mail, child locating devices, wireless sign control, paging (the first ever international paging device), mobile phones, control radios for remote management of assets and AVL (automatic vehicle location). Mike has extensive experience in embedded processor code in all forms of wireless communications and protocols. As a result of his work, Mr. Ponschke has obtained numerous U.S. and European patents.

Dennis Amodio

Extensive experience with collapse rescue operations and high rise operations Mr. Amodio was first on call during the 1993 World Trade center bombing while he also assisted in rescue operations following the September 11, 2001 bombing. 

A retired firefighter with the City of New York Fire Department, where he was assigned to Rescue Company 1 (Special Operations).

Brian Stewart - Director of Project Management

Brian has over 10 years of hands on experience in project management and engineering line management with experience in managing multi-site development projects. 

Mr. Stewart most recently worked at Emerson Network Power as the Director of PMO where he was responsible for the creation and overall direction of a new Engineering Project Management Office providing services to the organization’s portfolio of projects. Mr. Stewart holds a bachelors of Science in Computer Science from north Carolina State University.

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