" Harnessing the Power of Science


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Global Enterprise International Inc.

The Department of Energy (DOE) has issued a request for entrepreneurs, business owners and those in the energy and fuels industry to assist in helping the US to become energy and fuel independent. We have answered that call. USAF will purchase all of the aviation certified JP8/Jet Fuel a company can produce. Synenergy GTL jet fuel will be certified by Wright Patterson’s Fuel Technology Laboratory.

Global Enterprise International will fund the Synenergy GTL Refinery & Fuel Storage Facility. The GTL refinery will produce premium jet fuels on a commercial scale.  We will create products such as JP8 Jet Fuel, Diesel Fuel and downstream fuel products while utilizing GTL Gasification Technology, F-T Fischer Tropsch Fuel Technology, as well as Carbon Capture Technology to further reduce carbon emissions below EPA standards.  The benefits:

  • Lower Carbon Emissions
  • Carbon Capture to upgrade fuels to premuim grade efficiently
  • Use of recycled materials to reduce waste

Our refinery will reduce the need for production and use of fossil fuels and replace that need with more environmentally-friendly synthetics fuels.  Synthetic fuels greatly reduce carbon emissions from military jets and commercial airlines, and this technology has already been proven by large refineries operating worldwide.

How do we accomplish this? 
We use municipal solid waste, bio waste, and recycled materials as inputs to generate our synthetic fuels.

We are taking waste and producing an alternative fuel source, reducing carbon emissions, and turning waste into marketable fuel products. We will create employment and training opportunities that will boost the economic development in the community.

Key Features

How do we begin to solve the problem of excess waste, high emissions and unemployment?

The answer is in our landfills! The above photos depict municipal and bio-waste, both of which are discarded and trucked to our landfills. Even though efforts to recycle are practiced by many, it still leaves a high percentage of waste that is sent to landfills. Our fuel technologies allow us to take almost any type of municipal, synthetic, or bio-waste and turn it into a marketable product.

Employment & Training Opprtunities

The Synenergy GTL Refinery will create 2000 full time and 500 part-time positions. Due to our economic climate, industrial areas are hardest hit due to a decline in manufacturing and production facilities shutting their doors. GEI's refineries will fill an employment void and also assist in uplifting the economic development in the community.

Reduce Municipal Waste

There are millions of tons of municipal waste piling up in landfills. We can produce 1 barrel of jet fuel for every ton of waste, the equivalent of 42 gallons. The answer to turning waste to alternative fuels is sitting in our landfills. Using this waste reduces the cost of feed-stock, which greatly lowers the cost of producing our premium fuels and fuel products and makes them more cost effective than other options.

Lower Carbon Emission

Fuels and fuel products produced by using MSW, Bio-Waste, and Synthetic Waste when burned in commercial or military jets release a lower percentage of harmful carbon emissions than jet fuel produced using fossil fuels. By also employing Carbon Capture Technology, a percentage of carbon emissions are captured and then infused into the liquid which alsoenhances the quality of the jet fuel.

USA Advance In Fuel & Energy Technology

We also plan to create a hub of knowledge and advancement in the industry by not only meeting the demand for fuel production but also ensuring that future generations are prepared to take the technology mantle. We will assist in preparing future generations through our R&D Fuel Technology Laboratory and Educational Center / Think Tank.

Employees, college students, and students of higher learning will be able to become certified and trained in a department or field they are interested in. Graduates will have an opportunity to apply for these highly skilled/technical positions as they become available at GEI or at another facility where their certifications are needed.

The Think Tank will be a forum for sharing technology and new developments in fuel and energy. Intellectual minds in the USA and from around the globe will collaborate on projects that will produce benefits on a global level. Institutions such as this are needed on a national level. We want US firms to hire US citizens instead of building and pulling from other countries. We must invest in our American citizens to take the global lead in science and technology.

About the Business and Team

Team GEI

" Your Global Business Partner "

Global Enterprise International was created in 2005 and incorporated in 2007 in Aspen, Colorado.  GEI was first started as a consulting company, consulting on Ethanol refinery projects, feasibility studies, infrastructure, feed-stock & commodities marketing, contract negotiations, site selection, and EPA liaison. We have decades of knowledge and experience in this industry, and we are looking to the future of fuel technology and production. GEI is fully engaged with the city, county, state and federal governments.

We have a seasoned architectural and executive management team moving us forward toward our goal.  Global Enterprise International has been in active communication with city and state leaders in an effort to bring this worthy project to fruition. GEI has selected the site for the refinery within a 110 acre space in the state of Michigan; an additional 100 acres has been approved to accommodate the fuel storage farm.  The total number of fuel storage tanks is north of 300.

The city, county and state have joined together to offer a comprehensive incentive package to include but not limited to tax credits, tax breaks, carbon credits and grants. The Federal Government has designated the site a Super Fund site (what does this mean?). The director of the energy center has offered GEI interim corporate office space in their technology center.  All of which will be at no cost to GEI.

We have received approval from the EPA, as well as a city and state approval to bring our refinery to Michigan. The Economic Development Department for the city, county and State of Michigan have pledged their cooporation to assist with bringing this project to a successful build and ultimately the commercial production of our premium fuel products.

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