Halcyon Cafe

Fundraising for Juneau's charity projects while providing a great ti...


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Everything you buy at Halcyon Cafe will help fundraise for a good cause in Juneau.

Halcyon Cafe will always be raising money for a project that will benefit residents of Juneau. Non-profits, individuals, or groups are invited to have their projects funded! We will choose secular, non-partisan projects that can make a palpable difference in our community.

Halcyon Cafe will feel like the most comfy living room ever, filled with Juneauites, and serving superb food/drink.

Gourmet grilled cheese with unique ingredients are just the beginning-check out more of our food and drink choices here. Now imagine the coziest living room you’ve ever been in. Got it? Add super-social seating, just a little too much art, a bevy of entertainment, the scent of great food and fresh flowers, a large splash of humor, and a little bit of eccentricity. That is Halcyon Café’s ambiance (more deets here).

Become closer to your community by having a blast.

In so many ways. Halcyon will offer a delightful variety of classes; yoga, kid's classes, art, dance, whatever you request! We'll also help connect non-profits with volunteers, encourage you to share your favorite books with others, have folks in the community share their interesting stories/mastered subjects with an audience, and simply be an awesome place to pop in and meet one another.

What this hoopla is for...

Traditional financing through banks hasn't been as successful as I had hoped, so I started checking out alternative options. I've pitched investors, explored venture capital and angel investor networks, and perfected my vision along the way. I even looked into doing this as a non-profit so I could apply for grants; but alas, you can’t (easily) donate to another non-profit as a non-profit. And then I came across Fundable, which I thought was a great way to rally around my community to gain support... and here I am.

Also check out www.JuneauCharityCafe.com for all kinds of other information!

Invest in Halcyon Cafe!

In return for your gracious donations, I can offer you the awesome rewards listed to your right!  With each dollar, you will be contributing to a great business that benefits the community of Juneau (in addition to rewards)!

For those considering pledging $5,000 and up; here is a link to some of my paintings.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, insight, or interest in becoming part of this business.  My email address is owner@juneaucharitycafe.com

Thank you!

Meghan Grunow

I'll choose different decor and furniture-but this is the jist of what the cafe will look like!

An aerial shot...

Window seat, good-faith bookshelf, and volunteer info!


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