Ravens Black Estate

We will produce and sell non-alcoholic, heart smart varietal...


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What We Do

Ravens Black Estates will create and sell non-alcoholic grape juices, predominantly heart-smart varietal red grape juices throughout North America. We will contract with a regional winery to produce our 2012 grape juices in the varietals Pinot Noir & Gewurztraminer for sale and marketing purposes.

How It Works

Initially, we will sell our non-alcoholic juices online. As we build our own facility on the Sebastopol site, we will move the production of our juices to the Sebastopol property and control the production process completely. We have the inside track on contracts servicing over 8700 coffee houses and lodging properties worldwide with our juices. We also have a database of roughly eight million potential customers just in North America. What makes us unique? There is currently no juice companies serving this exclusive, niche market. Our tasting room will provide a visual experience that very few wineries can match, in either Sonoma or Napa county. We will be a family oriented experience for the non-alcoholic consumer. We will offer a family experience tied to the Native American Culture of the region.

Why Buy / How We're Different

The consumers that will purchase our product are those who already consume grape juice products.  Why it matters?  Our amazing varietals will offer consumers an experience in non-alcoholic beverages that they can currently only experience in alcoholic wines and spirits. Another advantage to producing heart smart juices is that it will allow us to sell our non-alcoholic juices in middle school and high school vending machines across America. The markets we are targeting are the Generation X, Y, Z markets, which control a total of $500 billion dollars in discretionary income. We are specifically targeting the estimated 30 to 40 million grape juice drinkers within the United States and North America. Accordingly, we expect a great market response and a significant percentage of market share once we come online. As sales ramp-up, we will enter the market with large scale production of varietal juices.

History, Traction, & Why We're Raising

Ravens Black Estate officially formed as a company on July 4th, 2012 with the secured purchase agreement for the vineyard property in Sebastopol, CA. We began the process of obtaining funds to take the company public, in addition to preparing the property to plant our first six varietal grapes. The first stage of vineyard prep will involve a deep-root rip and moon dust disking. Our initial fundraising effort will be to secure funds to purchase our option for the vineyard property for $575K. The purchase option is $15,000 for a six-month fixed price at $575K, or $30,000 for a one-year fixed $575K purchase price option. Our goal is to go after venture capital funding for the bulk of the funding requirements after our initial raise to lock in the property. The property value is estimated at 1.1 million

Check out our company website! www.ravensblackestate.com


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