Revamped Games - Prince Chess

The Playing Field Has Changed


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Quick Pitch

A game that is still popular and is considered classic, the history of chess spans some 1500 years.  However, the more you play chess, the easier it is for the same playing styles and moves to become redundant.  When playing the same person the outcome can often be the same. Revamped Games would like to reach out to the Chess community with a modification on the classic game that allows for new and exciting strategies.

We will change the playing field with Prince Chess.  It is not only an expansion on the popular game of chess, but it is designed in a way that would still allow the gamer to play original chess as well. This way, the consumer is able to play four different game types, all in one.

Product and Key Features

Prince Chess is unique because of the increased board size and our addition of a new piece, “The Prince,” which moves uniquely compared to any of the classic chess pieces.

The Prince Chess board is two sided.

On one side is a 9 by 9 grid where the gamer will play one of three variations of Prince Chess. The three game types include:

  • Prince Chess – This version has the same objective as original chess. Your goal is to get the opponents' king into “Checkmate.” The difference is that players are on a larger grid and they have a new piece to use in their play.
  • Capture the Flag – Having a 9 by 9 grid allows a flag to be placed in the center square on the board. The objective is to grab the flag and return it to your King's original square.
  • King of the Hill – This version is the inspiration behind Prince Chess. In this game, you must strategically move your king out into the center square. I found this game to be the most intellectually stimulating because a normal chess player is used to hiding their king in the back for the whole game. This version forces you to place your king in the “thick of the action.” Even better, your king is now allowed to be killed. If this happens, your only chance of success is to win a war of attrition.

The other side of the board contains the 8 by 8 grid so that anyone who purchases Prince Chess is able to play the original game of Chess.  No longer is there a reason to purchase just a chess set.

What Makes Our Product Different?

Prince Chess offers an amazing opportunity to awaken a “sleeping giant.” The chess community is easily identifiable and passionate about the game. Once a few clubs begin to play it they will want to play with parents, kids, friends, other clubs, etc. This game gives friends multiple opportunities at bragging rights over their friends. If you are not able to win at chess, maybe you can beat your opponents at Prince Chess or Capture the Flag. Prince Chess gives you a reason to keep playing. Once popularity picks up, Prince Chess tournaments can be created in order to offer incentives for playing the new game types. This one game has the ability to take on a life of its own.

Competitive Advantages.

  • Our game is competitively priced to a regular chess game and it offers 4 game types instead of just one.
  • Just like video games offer different game types, we have broadened the potential of chess by including new game variants.
  • Since chess has been around for so long companies no longer market for it, which means our marketing efforts will be noticed.


Revamped Games, LLC is a relatively new company, however, we already managed to achieve our initial objectives and gained substantial traction.

We have all manufacturing lined up and ready to produce the product.

The meetings we have had with chess players and board game events indicate a serious desire for the game.

Both the head of acquisitions for Hasbro and the CEO of Basic Concept Games personally found our variation on Chess to be entertaining.

We have working prototypes as well as patent pending status for the game.

We are also in the process of developing a mobile app that will allow you to play Prince Chess anytime, against real opponents.  We have the groundwork laid out for this effort, and are ready to proceed with funding.


The "Prince"


As the heir to the throne this beast of a warrior is a welcomed addition into the battlefield. When the opponent is confronted by the Royal Prince, it is often enough to force a retreat.

The Prince is loved and adored by his people not only for his leadership in battle but also for his desire to protect his Father and all of the warriors around him. His size and mobility allows him to protect large regions of the battlefield.


The Prince moves two squares in any direction - vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. The Prince may also move as a Knight. He may not move one square in any direction. The Prince can jump over the other pieces.

Planned Distribution

Prince Chess will be offered in physical copies as well as online gaming and apps. With each of our modes of distribution the consumer will receive regular chess at the same time.

Meet Our Team

Robert Spangler, CEO

Robert will be raising capital, market and sell the games.

Graduated from California Lutheran University with a degree in Mathematics. He passed three actuary exams and worked for a consulting firm before starting his own company.

Jason Spangler, CIO

Jason will be responsible for website maintenance and software development.

Graduated from University of California San Diego with a degree in computer science. He has worked for a software development company which specializes in web design.

Erik Steenackers, CTO

Erik does the graphic design for the pieces, box and website.

Graduated with a degree in computer science with his specialty being graphics design. He is responsible for all the new piece designs as well as any graphics seen on the website or on the box.


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