Sparkle Cans

Residential waste receptacle (trash can) cleaning and sanitation ser...


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Don't let your trash cans be the breeding grounds for insects and pests!

Let us do the dirty work! Our service is an environmentally safe activity.

There are many valid reasons to have waste receptacles cleaned:

  • Eliminates insect and pest infestations
  • Minimizes offensive odors
  • Reduces the risk of cross contamination
  • Improves hygiene standards
  • Reduces health risks and health hazards

Dirty and smelly waste receptacles are the most unhygienic item in the home and attract insects and pests, including ants, spiders, cockroaches, flies, maggots, rats, mice, opossums, and raccoons. The waste inside the receptacles offers these insects and pests food and shelter, which results in breeding and infestations. Once the insects and pests are attracted to the waste receptacles, they usually end up entering the residence, which then transfers the germs associated with waste materials from the receptacles to the inside of your home. Many of these insects and pests also carry hazardous bacteria and germs that could result in disease, and other health and safety issues. Even after the receptacles are emptied, pungent odors and waste residue full of germs and bacteria is left behind. Cleaning waste receptacles regularly ensures foul smells and hazards are minimized.

In addition, California is in a serious drought and state law prohibits bacteria-filled water from entering the storm drains, making it problematic for residents to clean their own cans without having a system that conserves water by reclaiming and filtrating it for reuse.

Product/Service Details

Sparkle Cans uses a non-toxic, heat system that kills bacteria and eliminates insects and pests right at the customer’s curb. The service system cleans, sanitizes, and deodorizes waste receptacles using a high pressure, high velocity wash. The system also conserves and reclaims the water used then puts it through an advanced filtration system for reuse. Much like the trash disposal companies, your only responsibility is leaving your waste receptacles at your curb or other designated area.

When we perform the service on a monthly basis, customers are provided with cans of a similar quality to being new. The can itself is cleaner and less pungent on a regular basis, thus reducing the chances of pest infestations. 

Service is scheduled according to the trash company disposal routes. Customers will be set up on monthly service routes and will be responsible only for placing cans at the curb or other designated area. An email or text reminder will be sent the day prior to service. After completion, a service completion indicator will be left on the cans.


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