The American's Bulletin

America's #1 Alternative News Source


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The American's Bulletin is the only America-first, truth-exposing, wake-up-and-smell-the-coffee no-nonsense free press newspaper for the American people.

As the longest-published freedom-based newspaper in the United States and a recognized name in the "Freedom Movement," our mission is to inform the American public about the realities of the nation they live in, so they can make better, more informed choices about their future.

As Americans, we believe ourselves to be free people of the freest nation in the world. But nothing could be farther from the truth.

The truth is that, without our knowledge or consent, we have all been mired in the crippling debt that the United States government has been incurring steadily ever since the bankruptcy of 1933. Our property, our homes, our automobiles, everything we as American citizens believe we own is in fact shackled to the debt of the American nation, and we the people are shackled with it.

Americans everywhere can and must free ourselves from this debt bondage, but in order to do it, we need to arm ourselves with knowledge that can be hard to come by in a mainstream media environment controlled by mega-corporate news sources that ignore or willfully conceal the truth.

The American's Bulletin (TAB) was created with a simple mission: to alert American people to the insidious lie that, for decades, has been perpetuated by the government of the United States, and to show Americans everywhere how to navigate their way through the deception and dissembling to achieve true freedom.

The American’s Bulletin is America’s alternative news source, dedicated to equipping readers with the information they need to make informed decisions about their so-called government and other important issues such as: their rights and interests, the 2nd Amendment, NWO, Obamacare, financial matters and a whole lot more!

Our newspapers, books and other educational materials provide the reader with crucial information that is being denied to them by government-controlled news sources and school systems.

Additionally we offer process assistance on a wide range of topics, including land issues; reclaiming control of one's property by becoming a Secured Party Creditor; reversing your status from a resident alien to D.C./U.S., Inc.; all freedom based education; and we help people save their home from foreclosure.

By providing everyday Americans with the information and services they need to advance their freedom, both individually and collectively, TAB empowers Americans everywhere through the newspaper, educational information, books and action to free themselves and their families from the shackles of an abusive government, debt and pursue the American dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as espoused in the Declaration of Independence.

The American's Bulletin has been a trusted source of alternative news for more than 25 years.

Our newspaper is a subscriber based newspaper and currently reaches several thousand monthly subscribers with additional readers, growing monthly, and we reach countless more through our subscribers word of mouth' talking about the newspaper and sharing it! And we reach countless more through our books, informational materials and direct mail. We have plans for expansion of staff, positive improvements to the newspaper, more books, additional processes, increased advertising, social media exposure, mini-web seminars and more!

We were hurt by the recession and now, we need to expand our audience and help more American people nationwide reclaim their freedom by stepping up the publication of the newspaper, enhancing our advertising and web presence, and expanding the TAB team, all of which will position us to grow still further and secure our position as the largest, most trusted alternative news source in the United States of America!

Robert Kelly, CEO & Editor, had his view of the world changed forever in 1979, when during a Constitutional Law Course he attended with a friend, he was exposed to a version of facts and history of the United States, government, IRS, etc., that was far different from what he'd been taught in his high school and college courses. A few years later, he moved to Oregon, became a private paralegal and then later became involved with a 'Freedom Group' with a fledgling newsletter, which morphed into a  small newspaper. All the while, he was continuing his study and research and producing a few small booklets on subjects relating to freedom, and in 1989 he stepped into the office of this small newspaper to become editor, changing the name to "The American's Bulletin" to gain more acceptance. The rest is history!

Mr. Kelly is proud of TAB's legacy as a true free press newspaper and resource for the people, and believes the paper must continue (both in newprint and web page) to inform and educate the people about their rights, their freedoms and their country... for their rights, their freedoms and their country is at stake!

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