Trueseal Holdings, Inc.


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Quick Pitch

We are finishing a disruptive product in the Identity Access Management market and have architected a way to eliminate a sizable portion of HealthCare Fraud which is an $80 Billion a year problem . There is no mention of this on our site because we have written, but not filed, our second  Patent Application for this process ( )

We have our product about 70% finished but are looking for a Healthcare Partner,  a payer company or an Angel Investor to finish the product with us and develop a go to market plan for a 5,000 Subscriber Pilot that is a proof of concept. Once this is complete we'll jointly modify and launch in a very big way.

Key Features

TrueSeal provides a solution that will stop & eliminates these HealthCare Frauds

Type 1 Fraud, where the patient is the perpetrator and an imposter, and uses a victim's ID and Insurance cards to obtain services.
Type 2b Fraud, where the provider is the perpetrator, and fabricates a returning patient visit so that they can receive Insurance payments.

Type 4 Fraud, where the provider is the perpetrator, and fabricates a new fictitious patient visit so that they can receive Insurance payments.

The Types listed are for correlation to the upcoming Patent Application, as far we know these are the only standard nomenclatures for Healthcare Fraud.

TrueSeal’s Identity Credential  for the Healthcare industry in based on patent pending technology with unique data sources and analysis. These capabilities allow Healthcare organizations to more easily prevent fraud and identity theft, while improving customer care and satisfaction.  It brings forth the next best opportunity for better decision making and for reducing rising healthcare costs. The key benefits of our Credential are:

• Prevent fraud before it happens
• Immediate reduction of claims by fraudsters claiming to be insured
• Immediate reduction of claims by providers claiming to provide services or overcharging for services to the patient
• Prevent fraudsters from claiming to be legitimate providers
• Protect patients from imposters using their healthcare benefits
• Improve patient care by increasing usage of PHR

About the Business and Team

The TrueSeal team has been involved and interested in the identity space for over nine years. Pat Dane and Harold Kraft started a company in the Identity Theft space in 2005 and sold it in 2011 but kept the idea behind TrueSeal and have been working on it since then. Susan Knorr worked with Dane and Kraft while at their former company – and the same with Scott McDonough and John McCracken. The entire team knows this space better than anyone in the market.

The company has filed one, and written another but not yet filed,  significant Patent Applications that cover the next two generations of Identity Access Management for the consumer market, and feel confident that what we have developed will dramatically – and positively – change the entire landscape in the healthcare and Identity space for the next ten years.


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