Victor Enterprises

Pay a third of the cost for Recruitment and hands on Human Cap...

Raising $100,000

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Quick Pitch

Victor Enterprises is a human resources consultancy agency dedicated to re-shaping the industry by providing quality B2B consulting and recruitment services. The company will provide highlevel expertise in business management consulting and recruitment services for clients in the public and private sector. Our effective hybrid consulting model which is committed to ensuring clients’ needs are adequately and efficiently met will provide them with highly skilled and top-quality employees, renowned business approaches, and tools to guarantee successful corporate operations between our company and its clients. 

Product/Service Details

Victor Enterprises is a human resource consultancy agency with a hands on approch a team of "Doers". Victor enterprises consist of two separate divisions. A B2B consulting and recruitment but in a non-traditional way offering low rates to customers meeting the pipeline of candidates through a stream of nontraditionally use methods like social media, social influencers, and people to people marketing. This will give Victor Enterprises a database of active candidates that's will be used to match them to the right positions. We will give our customers the option of "Highly Skilled or Newly Willed" this will allow the customer two price points Highly skilled meets all expectations of the customer whereas newly willed are new to their fields the customer can pay them less and, but they may be a key aspect to growing the company. In addition to centralizing professional placement, we will also take on trucking as well.

Recruitment costs a lot of time, energy, and money, and the results may never pan out forcing the company to try again. Victor enterprises will cut the cost into a third for our customers bringing overall risk in hiring down. We will provide tailored recruitment, a specialized boutique consultancy for clients and individuals to help with attaining their goals.

Traction & Accomplishments

Our Consultancy and recruitment services will commence as soon as we generate investment to kick-start our company production. We currently have 36 potential customers with a starting totaling $90k, just with employee direct placement.   

How We're Different

We are experts in our specialist areas and will work closely with clients to source the best candidates at all levels. Selected candidates will be skilled, delivery-focused individuals who can make a fast impact. Our project management consulting service is carried with the use of certified technical and nontechnical project experts to accelerate project implementation. This service provides clients with well-thought-through advisory, delivery, and management of their business. It helps them save time, saves cost, removes the hassle of hiring by recruiting highly-skilled permanent staff who can operate remotely.


Ricardo Victor - CEO

Process Assessment | Program Management | Team Leadership | HR Management 

Several years of experience coordinating human resource functions and enhancing strategic processes. I have maximized workforce productivity and mitigated risk across multiple channels. I generate dynamic financial statements and coordinate human resource enhancements. I perform data evaluations and coordinate market penetration. Throughout my career, I have been acknowledged as a goal-oriented professional consistently committed to executing variance analyses and producing financial forecasts. I ensure strict regulatory compliance and demonstrate proficiency with multiple languages.

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